Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Hyundai Rotem EMU on Tunisian Railways

The Hyundai Rotem EMU on Tunisian Railways 


The Hyundai Rotem EMU on Tunisian RailwaystyouboxJR Cooperating with Hyundai Rotem, which has the world-class competitiveness in railroad car design, manufacture and service fields, Hyundai Corporation supplies various kinds of railroad car-related equipments to the global market. Hyundai Corporation offers a turnkey-based comprehensive railroad system solution that includes the operation of railroads, the production of various electric and signal equipment, and the management of construction, business and engineering. It also provides excellent operation and maintenance services.

 The Hyundai Rotem EMU on Tunisian Railways

 Hyundai Corporation supplies various kinds of military products such as high-angle guns, military vehicles, armored cars, and weapons produced by leading Korean military weapon and vehicle manufacturers. 

 The Hyundai Rotem EMU on Tunisian Railways

Hyundai Corporation cooperates with Hyundai Rotem, a world-class railroad car designer, manufacturer and full service provider to offer its customers a wide range of equipment, parts and signal communication systems for high-speed trains, subway trains, diesel cars, locomotives, passenger cars, and light rails.

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